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Sessions and Fees

What our fees cover

  • Our fees are based on a daily enrolment of 7 and 10 hours.

  • The fee includes provision for all services provided and includes provision for the centre to meet its employment obligations for staff for any statutory holidays that occur during the working week and when the centre may otherwise be closed.

  • Three (plus) meals are prepared by our chef and served fresh to our children.


Enrolment / Withdrawal

  • Minimum booking of 2 days per week.

  • A non refundable administrative enrolment fee of $50.00 per child is charged on the confirmation of your child’s enrolment. This secures their space.

  • Once a child is enrolled they are allocated the enrolment space until the parents/guardians give two (2) weeks notification in writing that they wish to remove the child from Caterpillar Kids.

  • Two weeks notice is required if you would like to make any change to your child’s enrolled days.

  • Extra hours can be negotiated as long as they are within the Centre attendance structure, additional hours are charged as a $10.00 flat rate for all children.



  • Automatic payment and internet banking are our preferred methods of payment as this minimises the amount of staff time to process the payments. However correct cash is also accepted. We do not accept EFTPOS or cheques.

  • Fees are to be paid (2) week in advance. If fees remain unpaid after 4 weeks, the enrolment to the centre will be terminated immediately by notice to the parents/guardians.

  • Failure to keep fees up to date may result in a child’s enrolment being forfeited and the debt being passed onto a debt collection agency, for which the parent will be responsible for any associated costs.

  • Parents/guardians receiving subsidies from Work and Income NZ (WINZ) are responsible for payment of all fees until subsidy is approved.  Parents are responsible for all fees not covered by WINZ. Parents/guardians are responsible for maintaining their status with WINZ and keeping them informed of any changes to their circumstances.  You will be required to pay any fees recovered by WINZ if the subsidy reduces or stops.

  • All figures include GST.


Family Discounts

  • Where there are 2 or more children from the same family attending full time (4-5 days) we will apply a 10% discount for the eldest child.


Holidays / Statutory Holidays / Sick Days / Absences

  • All booked hours are charged whether the child attends or not.

  • Where a Statutory/ Public Holiday falls on a day a child is enrolled, the parent/guardian shall not be charged for that day.

  • Caterpillar Kids is open all year round excluding Statutory/Public holidays. Any other closure will have at least 20 working days notice.

  • For holidays of 1 week or more each child is entitled to up to 10 days (2 weeks) per calendar year at a reduced rate of 50% fees. Two weeks notice must be given for this reduced rate.


Review of Fees

  • Fees are reviewed annually and may be changed by Caterpillar Kids at any time with one month’s notice in writing to parents/guardians.


Late Fees

  • For children who are picked up after their enrolled time without notification will be charged a late fee of $5 for every 5 minutes or part thereof which will be billed to you.


20 Hours ECE Subsidy

  • The 20 Hours ECE Subsidy is offered at our centre for children aged three and over.

  • Only up to six hours in any one day can qualify for the 20 Hours ECE Subsidy.

  • Parents must advise the centre where they choose to share their 20 Hours ECE Subsidy entitlement with another ECE service.  A child entitled to access the government’s 20 Hours ECE Subsidy may only access a total of six hours per day or 20 hours per week government funding at this level.

  • Invoicing shows funding net of the 20 hours ECE subsidy applicable.

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