Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy

We respect each child and celebrate their unique character.
We cater to individual needs and we are committed to supporting each child's learning.
We respect and celebrate our bi-cultural nation and aim to work with families/whanau to ensure that all cultures are celebrated and protected.
At Caterpillar Kids our children are encouraged to respect themselves, others and things.

At Caterpillar Kids we are passionate professionals providing high quality education and care.
We are committed to creating strong relationships with parents, whanau and our community.
We encourage our children to care for themselves, others and things.

By creating an engaging and stimulating learning environment we will ‘light fires’ of inquiry and discovery in our children.
We encourage our whanau and community to discover more about Caterpillar Kids and involve them in many aspects of our programme.
Children are encouraged to identify themselves as confident, capable learners who are inquisitive about the world around them.

We are a happy place, where teachers work together as a professional teaching team.
We are a welcoming and warm place for parents, whanau and the wider community. We invite and encourage parents and whanau to enjoying spending time with their child at our centre.
We instill a love of learning in the children at Caterpillar Kids and foster a joy for discovering the world around them.