Parent Information
What to bring
Please bring a bag for your child with 2 NAMED changes of clothes. You may wish to send your child with a named drink bottle. Please DO NOT bring toys from home, they may be lost or damaged while played with at the centre.
You are required to supply your own nappies. You have the option of either bringing a bag of nappies for the week or bringing nappies each day. Please let your teachers know which you would prefer.
7:30am - 8:30am
At the beginning of the day we all start together in the Kahuku Room. As more staff members arrive the smaller children in Mokamoka move upstairs to start their day.
Signing in and out
It is a legal requirement that children are signed in and out of all childcare centres. The records are kept for 7 years for government auditing purposes. Please ensure you sign in and out each day. The Ministry of Education requires the name of the parent/caregiver collecting rather than just ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’.
Ketes (Parent Pockets)
Each family has a kete as a communication tool for notices and invoices. Please check your kete daily for any communication.
Sun Safety
We provide sunscreen and will apply it in the morning and after lunch. The sunscreen we supply is ‘Cancer Society Ultra Block SPF30+’. If you have your own sunscreen that you would prefer your child to use you are welcome to do so. Please see the teachers and fill in a ‘category (iii)’ medical form. Please bring a NAMED hat for your child to wear. Children must wear hats when playing outside during the summer months (October-April).
Accidents and Illness
We ask that any child or adult who is unwell be kept away from the centre.
Children with severe coughs or colds, vomiting, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, rashes or raised temperatures cannot be brought to the centre. If symptoms develop during the day the parent or guardian will be contacted to arrange for the immediate collection of their child. For further information please refer to our Illness Policy.
If your child is injured while at Caterpillar Kids you will be given a phone call informing you of the incident at the soonest possible moment. The injury will be recorded and needs to be signed off when your child is collected at the end of the day. If you would rather not be called for minor injuries please speak to your child’s Key Carer.
All our qualified or registered teachers are first aid trained. They are trained to administer antibiotics that have been prescribed by a doctor. We are not allowed to administer Panadol, paracetamol or any other pain relief medication unless it is in conjunction with antibiotics and certified by a doctor. Please sign our medication chart when dropping off and picking up your child. Our teachers will not be able to administer the medication without your signature. If your child requires Panadol during the day, they are not well enough to attend. Some medication and creams are used when needed, for these medications a ‘category (iii)’ form can be completed, please speak with your Key Carer.
From time to time as part of our programme we will arrange an excursion outside of the centre. Written consent will be required for each event. To keep children safe the adult to child ratio is 1:3 and we may require parent help to assist us with supervision.
We send out monthly newsletters to keep you informed on housekeeping matters and curriculum achievements in each room.
Emergency Procedures
Each month the centre will practice a drill for either fire, earthquake or lock-down. We will communicate these drills on Storypark before they will take place.
The Front Desk
The following documents are here for you to access whenever you wish:
Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008
Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008
Latest ERO Report
Complaints Procedure (regarding non-compliance with the regulations or criteria)
Policies and Procedures
Signing in Sheets
Parent & Family/Whanau Involvement
Throughout the year we will hold special events for parents and whanau to attend. These important dates will be shared with you in our newsletters on Storypark.
Please let us know via text or a phone call if your child is going to be absent.